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Armor, derived from the Latin word armatura meaning “arms or equipment”, serves as a protective covering safeguarding the wearer from harm and increasing the chances of survival in hazardous situations. It has undergone continuous evolution driven by the development of new materials with the purpose of enhancing both protection and comfort. From cavemen relying on their rock-hard abs, over the ancient Egyptians utilizing linen fabric for protection to the Romans adorning themselves with iron breastplates featuring stylized abs again. In the Middle Ages knights did custom made full suits of steel armor clanking over the battlefield.

Today body armor is part of personal protective equipment using composite materials and soft foam to offer maximum protection with minimal weight, almost like wearing a second skin.     

Medieval illustration showing a blue horse kicking a person. Source: Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264
Medieval illustration showing a horse standing on its hindlegs and a person. Source: Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264